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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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In America, where there is a volunteer army, the direct relationship between an individual act and a communal ritual is strikingly clarified by how well the relationship is masked. Consider: although there exists a volunteer military—not universal conscription as in many other countries—there is the bedrock communal ritual act of registering for the military draft.

In America, there is a “Peace Time Draft.” Simply,
communal commitment
to the Warrior’s Quest imagination and its
ritual of endless warring is validated by the almost
and invisible act of registering for the military draft.

Legally, every eighteen year old male must register for the draft under penalty of exile or imprisonment. More, this registration is accomplished in most states while the individual is signing his driver’s license application. In brief, most Americans do not know about the somewhat invisible driver’s license/draft registration link, nor do many believe that a military draft system is currently active.

While the Selective Service System is not operational in terms of drafting individuals, it is absolutely active in terms of obtaining registration cards from every eligible male. In this way, the SSS ensures that every eighteen year old male enacts the cultural ritual of registration that makes present the Warrior’s Quest vision and imagination. See Selective Service System website.

Consider: Did you register?
Do you give consent—tacitly or passively—
to the existence and continuation of this Warrior’s Quest
communal ritual of registration?

The act of registering for the military draft provides
an insight into how communal rituals exist and how
individual participation is required to enact them.

The subtlety and nuance of the SSS underscore, for Earthfolk,
how communal rituals operate—and
why most individuals are not aware of their communal rituals.

Continue—Ritual Living


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