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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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As another example, consider: the Big Story called Scientism is itself sourced in an initiating ritual practice. The seemingly simple personal act of imagining the “scientific method,” namely,

imagining that you can emotionally remove yourself from a relationship
with something that you can sense is, itself,
a ritual practice that enables one to break-out of the everyday world of common-sensing and
break-through to the extraordinary world of scientific sensing.

This practice—often symbolized and activated by putting on a white jacket or lab coat—is not unlike the clearing of the mind that many meditaters practice as they prepare to “sit” and initiate their breakthrough to a deep state of bliss.

Customarily, a scientist readies himself by getting into this peculiar frame of “scientific thinking” by clearing and quieting his mind, disciplining his reasoning with logic and rationality, and putting a controlling damper on his emotions. If successful, his peers will agree that he has realized “scientific objectivity.” Being in this state of detached objectivity—clearly a state of an extraordinary and altered state of consciousness and of emotional control—gives meaning to his being a scientist and enables him to belong to the "scientific community."

As part of their ritual practice, scientists/scientismists have special places—the laboratory and academia, don an identifying vestment—white jacket, assume honorific titles—customarily Doctor or Professor, and communicate with special language and imagery—the core language of mathematics and all the dialects of the numerous specializations.

Continue—Ritual living


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