It is worth restating that if the
Warrior's Quest had not found nurture in the patriarchal
soil of Western culture that we have little doubt that it would
have found such in Eastern or some other cultural soil.
For us, the efforts at reformation
and reimagining fail because the primary
revelation of all these traditions is that we are all "motherless
children"—that there is no Mother
Goddess—that the feminine is not a way to
healing and preciousness. Note, that while a tradition might state
a belief in a Mother Goddess or even create a
million images of goddesses, all have failed to
present us with a ritual way of making Her present.
Simply, there is no ritual parallel or equivalent of
the Lone Male gathering to create a space and time where the Atomic
Bomb could be creatively imagined, produced, and—with clear
intent—dropped to make present the heartfelt desire for self-annihilation
that grounds the Warrior's Quest.
Within all these traditions, the creative
imagining grounded in the four themes has prevailed.
We are a world, a people endlessly at war with one another, sighting
one another as Intimate Enemy, instilling dreadful fear throughout
our societies, and producing and stockpiling nuclear bombs to drop
on one another—and so upon ourselves. All Big Stories have
collaborated to write their part of the final chapter on the annihilation
of all living forms and the Earth, itself.
In response,
those who do seek to reform and/or reimagine throw
on the table all the goddess images from their tradition(s)
or from pre-history. They cite examples of "mothering
their own lights such as Jesus, Francis of Assisi, Martin Luther
King, Gandhi, the pantheon of Hindu goddess figures, Rumi's
poetry, Taoist sayings, channeled voices...piles of witnesses
from East
and West, from mainstream and esoteric traditions...all what
we call "leaks."